


Starting weight: __________________________ 242.8 lbs

Goal weight: _____________________________ 125 lbs

Total pounds to lose: _____________________ 117.8 lbs

Total % of weight to lose: ___________________ 48.5%

Current weight: __________________________ 223 lbs

Pounds lost: ____________________________ 19.8 lbs

% of weight lost: _________________________ 8.2%

Pounds left to lose: _______________________ 98 lbs

% of weight left to lose: ____________________ 40.3%

Weigh-in Wednesday #5: Blues…

SW: 242.8 lbs

CW: 223 lbs

WK5: -2.2 lbs / +0.75 inches !!! ( I lost 0.25 inches in my waist and gained some in my chest arms and legs)
WK6: — / —
WK7:  — / —
WK8: — / —

TL: -19.8 lbs / -16 inches

SO CLOSE to my first goal, which is to lose 20 lbs!  I was actually giving myself until week 6 to reach that goal, so considering I’m so close, a week earlier, I’m happy!

I actually woke up today feeling blue. I can’t say exactly why, it seems like it’s just one of those weeks when I feel sluggish and just blah. It might have to do with the food poisoning episode on the weekend. In the past, after a night like that, I would try to make myself feel better with food! Yes. Even if food was the reason why I got sick, I still want more food, logical thought be damned.

This time, I did not give in. I got back on track. I can attribute this victory to having meal planning part of my life now. It’s become a habit. I planned my meals, even though I felt like eating junk food. I ate the meals I prepared because, believe it or not, it was easier to eat the food that was already ready than to go out and buy the junk I wanted. Win!

So, because I didn’t go my usual path of binge eating to make me feel better, it’s taking a while for me to get myself out of this emotional funk. I know, in the long run, NOT binge eating is the far better choice. Eating junk would have made me feel better temporarily, but worse in the long run.

I think I need to start making more interesting meals. I’ve gotten a little lazy, so all I’ve been eating for a while has been a piece of chicken with hot sauce plus steamed green beans or broccoli. Gotta step it up in the kitchen before I get bored!

Anyway, I’m working on making myself feel good today. Looking at the scale and seeing -2.2 lbs this morning is a good start. I’m focusing on healthy choices and eating the meals I prepared last night. I’m watching YouTube videos that are motivating me to stay on track. I’m going to go for a long walk. I’m going to clean the condo. (Having a clean living space just helps my mind feel less stress). I’m going to love myself for the great person I am, and the amazing things I can do.

My husband’s last words as he went out the door were, “Be Happy!”, and I intend to by the time he comes home. When I have ‘these days’, sometimes I feel guilty because I don’t want B to feel like it’s his fault that I am unhappy. It’s not. He is my  biggest supporter, the one person who makes me feel beautiful, and good, and loved, and worthwhile. So, not only do I want to feel happy for myself, but for my husband as well.

I hope everyone is having a good day!