50 Days left in 2020!

So 2020 wasn’t the BEST YEAR EVER like I thought it would be back at the end of 2019…

I miss my friends and family so much. I miss hugging them. I miss playing with my god-children. I miss when we didn’t have to be afraid to be near each other.

But I want to reflect on my blessings this year.

My husband and I were able to continue working during the pandemic. My company luckily was already transitioning to working remotely full-time. This was a huge blessing for me. Working from home has helped me be more consistent at work. Not having to drive to the office has saved so much time and money.

Starting in January, I have been working on paying down my debt and I was able to pay off all 15K of my consumer debt by October 2020!!! I am helping my husband get his finances in order so he can also get rid of his debt too and we’re finally starting to save a proper emergency fund and a down-payment for a home!

I also feel blessed to be living with my in-laws at this time. It would not have been possible for us to improve our finances so quickly otherwise. We contribute $500 a month, which helps us so much and (hopefully) helps my in-laws as well.

Weight loss was of course a big goal for me in 2020. I wanted to get under 200 lbs. this year, but that’s not going to happen. It took me until September to get really serious about it so I’m not going to check that goal off, but I am still happy about where I am now. Since September, I’ve been able to lose 35 lbs. and I feel good about finishing off the year strong! My goal for the next 50 days is to stay consistent and hopefully lose another 15 lbs.


Talk to me!