Weigh-in Wednesday #10: A Surprise!

I love surprises! My husband knows this well and tries to surprise me even with the little things.

Well, my body treated me to a lovely surprise this morning: I lost 3 pounds!




HA-HA! I did it, Regina! =P

Trusting the lifestyle really works! I was afraid of a gain because of all the Easter weekend indulgence but I got back on track as soon as possible. I did not try to over-correct myself by restricting. I trusted the lifestyle and I was not disappointed!

I can also attribute some of my success this week to the increase in exercise. In the past two weeks, I’ve worked out 7 times and have starting building muscle! Beautiful, calorie burning muscle! ❤


Here is a comparison of the total pounds I’ve lost 🙂

Look guys! I’ve lost the equivalent of 20 dozen eggs! That’s almost a year’s supply of eggs!

I am 1 pound away from my next milestone, 30 lbs lost! My hubby and I are driving down to an outlet mall this weekend for new running shoes! So excited! That’s exactly the reward I set for my 30 lbs milestone and exactly the thing I need most right now. My current running shoes are worn out at the back of my heel and there’s a plastic piece sticking out and giving me terrible blisters!

…aaaand because I’m in such a good mood, enjoy these adorable otters! B sent me a link that lists new characters from the new Finding Dory movie and I can’t get over these otters! I am extracting a promise from B to buy me a stuffed otter if the Disney store ends up selling them when the movie comes out!


FINDING DORY - OTTERS are seriously cute. Seriously, who can resist their sweet, furry faces? ©2016 Disney•Pixar. All Rights Reserved.

FINDING DORY – OTTERS are seriously cute. Seriously, who can resist their sweet, furry faces? ©2016 Disney•Pixar. All Rights Reserved.

Month 3 Goals:

  • Workout 12 days (3 times a week)
    • 7/12 complete
  • Stick to one cheat meal per week
    • 0/4 weeks 😦
  • Try 3 new recipes
    • 1/3 complete