Day 1 (for real)

I don’t know if counting the days is even a good idea, but I do remember feeling good once the days went past 100 and I was doing so well.

Let’s try again.

Isn’t that the whole theme of my weight loss journey? I lose weight, gain it back and more and try again. Last time I said would be the last time. And yes, I’m saying it again. I’m going to lose weight, get healthy and stay that way. I’ve been trying to ‘restart’ for months now and it never stuck but I know it’s different now because today, I feel good!

All those other times, I felt nothing but shame and hopelessness. Shame at how bad I let myself get. Feeling hopeless about how much farther I have to go to get to my goal.

Today, I feel excited  to get going and positive about changing my life. So this is Day 1, for real.

I woke up this morning and git the gym at 6am. I can only manage walking on the treadmill right now, but I walked for 45 minutes and did some light weights for 15-20 minutes.

Back at home, I made myself some eggs and broccoli and had some avocado on the side. I’m almost done with my fist litre of water too. Good start, I’d say. Lets keep it up for the rest of the day!


Talk to me!